Acquiring A Disability Almost twenty percent of the people in American are disabled, some having been born with their disability, others having acquired it by being involved in an accident, contracting a disease, or losing function through the aging process. Acquiring...
Learning To Solve Your Problems Sometimes when we confront our problems, they seem too overwhelming to ever resolve, but, approaching the issues with a clear idea of what we want to achieve can help. Sometimes we focus on the issue so closely that we can’t even begin...
How Do I Get A Service Dog? Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people calling the DNL office to ask about how they can get a service dog. In most instances, people with disabilities aren’t able to buy a trained service dog. With the initial cost of...
After Hitting The Wall It’s been a difficult year for all of us. When I stop to think that it has been almost a year now since COVID-19 reared its’ ugly head in my personal world, I’m shocked at all the hardships we’ve gotten through. We all had to adjust to working...
When Your Disability is New: Part 3 “Assistive Technology for Independent Living” I recently picked up the special chair I must use following the eye surgery I’m scheduled to have. The procedure I’ll be going through is called a vitrectomy, and the chair...