Acquiring A Disability

Acquiring A Disability

Acquiring A Disability Almost twenty percent of the people in American are disabled, some having been born with their disability, others having acquired it by being involved in an accident, contracting a disease, or losing function through the aging process. Acquiring...
Learning To Solve Your Problems

Learning To Solve Your Problems

Learning To Solve Your Problems Sometimes when we confront our problems, they seem too overwhelming to ever resolve, but, approaching the issues with a clear idea of what we want to achieve can help. Sometimes we focus on the issue so closely that we can’t even begin...
How Do I Get A Service Dog?

How Do I Get A Service Dog?

How Do I Get A Service Dog? Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people calling the DNL office to ask about how they can get a service dog. In most instances, people with disabilities aren’t able to buy a trained service dog. With the initial cost of...
After Hitting The Wall

After Hitting The Wall

After Hitting The Wall It’s been a difficult year for all of us. When I stop to think that it has been almost a year now since COVID-19 reared its’ ugly head in my personal world, I’m shocked at all the hardships we’ve gotten through. We all had to adjust to working...