by dnl426 | Aug 3, 2021 | DNL Live
Parenting During A Pandemic No parenting book comes with “how to be a good parent during a pandemic.” In this DNL Live class, Tashuna Hunt helps us fill that void by discussing parenting tools for successfully supporting your child during this unprecedented time. This...
by Chris Wistrom | Jul 13, 2021 | Preparedness
Summer’s Here Summer has arrived and with it those hot, steamy days that many of us dread. While I don’t like the bitter cold of winter, I really don’t like the humid, dreadfully hot days of summer either. “Extreme” heat occurs when the temperature is above 90...
by Chris Wistrom | Jun 21, 2021 | Preparedness
Backlash Did you know that June 1st was the start of the Atlantic hurricane season? I know, you’re probably thinking “What does that have to do with me? I live in Michigan!” Well, hurricanes can have a long reach, and while it’s true that we won’t feel the full force...
by Chris Wistrom | May 19, 2021 | Mental Health
Combatting Caregiver Stress During Covid With the arrival of the Coronavirus crisis last year, our stress levels began to rise. We had to learn new ways of coping, of living, and of relating to others. Who knew we’d be trying to establish meaningful relationships with...
by Chris Wistrom | May 12, 2021 | Preparedness
Caregiver Overload COVID-19 has caused a lot of stress on everyone, but it has been an especially difficult time for those who are caring for others. Caregiving is a stressful lifestyle even in good times, but when we have added worry and responsibilities from outside...