by dnl426 | Mar 19, 2024 | Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness Planning with a Disability If you are creating an emergency preparedness plan and you have a disability, you may want to put some thought into how it might be a challenge. For example, if you have kidney failure and rely on dialysis 3 or 4 times...
by dnl426 | Jan 12, 2024 | Preparedness
Something New at Disability Network Lakeshore Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right assistive technology (A.T.) items to meet your needs. You see something that might work out and buy it only to find that it’s not the right fit, it doesn’t do the job like...
by dnl426 | Nov 27, 2023 | Mental Health
Giving Thanks Holidays are often difficult when you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). While everyone else is enjoying that joyful holiday spirit as Thanksgiving Day approaches, PTSD can leave you afraid of what might happen when family and friends gather....
by dnl426 | Oct 9, 2023 | Preparedness
Service Animal Questions and Answers There is a lot of confusion about whether the person coming into a business with a dog is really using a service animal, or if they just can’t stand to be separated from their pet so they pass it off as a service animal when it...
by dnl426 | Aug 1, 2023 | Preparedness
Not Just Blowing Smoke Having trouble catching your breath these days? I have asthma, and I’ve learned that it’s up to me to do whatever it takes to get through each day as best I can. That includes monitoring the smoke in the air from the Canadian wildfires so I can...