by Chris Wistrom | Nov 9, 2020 | Mental Health, Veterans
Working with Disabled American Veterans Over the past decade, my work with disabled Veterans in the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program has been the highlight of my time at Disability Network/Lakeshore. It has been my privilege to be part of their recovery and to...
by Chris Wistrom | Nov 5, 2020 | Mental Health, Veterans
Incoming! Having PTSD means chemical changes have occurred in the brain that result in a continuously active state of arousal for the individual affected. This translates to the person who has PTSD being farther along on the continuum of anger than most people. For...
by Chris Wistrom | Nov 5, 2020 | Preparedness
Repeat Performance Medical experts are predicting that we are not yet done with the coronavirus pandemic. I suspect that’s true. People want it to be over so life can return to normal, and because of that, they are moving forward as though it is over. The problem is,...
by Chris Wistrom | Oct 30, 2020 | Mental Health, Veterans
A Veterans Success Story When Gage called Disability Network Lakeshore, he was unemployed and was struggling to cope with PTSD. He had no idea how the skills he learned in the Navy could transfer to working as a civilian. His PTSD made it difficult for him to interact...
by Chris Wistrom | Oct 20, 2020 | Mental Health
Learning To Live With PTSD A while back, I thought I’d done a fairly good job at learning to live with PTSD, but I hit another bump in the road and everything went up-side-down again. It was depressing enough just to experience another trauma, but I did not expect to...