Social Security Work Incentives

01sep1:00 pm2:00 pmSocial Security Work Incentives

Event Details

Raising a child or youth with special needs can be difficult. Knowledge is the most empowering thing a parent or caregiver can have.

The Ottawa County CSHCS is presenting a FREE series of webinars to empower parents. Angela Mitchell, will be presenting the first one on SSA Disability and Work Incentives. She will be speaking on how working may affect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and DHHS benefits such as Medicaid and food assistance. Additionally, detailed instructions of how to report work earnings to Social Security and DHHS will be reviewed too.

Register by emailing or by calling 616.402.2275


Virtual Event Details

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September 1, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT-05:00)